Conference Theme
One of the pressing needs in geotechnical earthquake engineering is the development of performance-based design (PBD) principles. These principles, already in use for the seismic design of structures under strong earthquakes and other infrastructure under different hazards, are rapidly evolving. Practical and reliable performance-based designs in geotechnical engineering are not just theoretical but necessary for a wide range of civil engineering projects.
- Case histories on site effects, embankments and slopes, earth and tailings dams, surface fault rupture, MSWLF performance, and other geohazards.
- Underground structures and soil-structure interaction, including shallow foundations and pile foundations.
- Soil investigation with field and laboratory testing for performance-based design.
- Dynamic characterization and modeling of soils for performance-based design.
- Numerical analyses for performance-based design.
- Methodology of performance-based design.
- Recent developments in PBD codes.
- Advances in soil liquefaction.